Thursday, March 30, 2017

Monday, August 22, 2016

First Day of School

How time flies... I can't believe that today Felipe starts 4th grade and Francesca goes to 2nd.  I feel like just yesterday I was dropping Felipe off in Pre-K.  This school year will bring new adventures as they both embark on a voyage through the Gifted Program.  I will try to continue to post on a more regular basis. Until next time!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Princess!!!

Four years ago to the minute mommy and daddy were on their way out to Costco to buy a few things to celebrate your brother's 2nd birthday.  We had waited to the last minute because we did not know when you would make your grand entrance.  Little did I know that we would never make it there because you wanted to get out.  My contractions started at around 11:15 am and 12 hours later I was holding you in my arms.

Today, my princess, I wanted to wish you the best in everything you do.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

The school year has ended!!!

Today was Felipe's last day of Kindergarten...

Felipe and Alessandra
Felipe and Salome
You would think that he was happy school was over but that was far from the truth... He was actually very upset because he wouldn't get to see any of his friends anymore especially his "girlfriends" Alessandra and Salome. Mind you, Salome is a fifth-grader that was always saying hello to him whenever she saw him.

The only joyful thing about Felipe ending school is that Francesca started doing a happy dance because that meant that come August she was starting school also.  I have never seen a child so excited to start school.

Now as the summer begins and the kids enjoy their time off I have the task of purchasing school supplies for two kids.  I am so excited that both my children will be enjoying school next year.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I muted my ears

Last night Felipe was really tired so I laid in his bed with him but I was only there for about 3 minutes because he fell asleep immediately.

He had asked me to sing Arrurru to him but I didn't even get through the whole song before I heard him snoring.  When I mentioned it to him this morning he told me... "Sorry mom but I muted my ears and didn't hear anything".

He comes up with the funniest things

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Am I vertically challenged???

Today I was taking Felipe to school and since I didn't have to go to work I had Francesca with me also in the car.

The conversation goes like this...

Felipe:  Is daddy 37?
Me: Yes
Felipe: Why is daddy not like you?
Me:  He is, I am also 37.
Felipe: No, why isn't daddy like you?
Francesca: What... Tiny?
They both start to laugh and I call Adrian to tell him and he tells me that I am not tiny I am just vertically challenged.

The most interesting part of all this is that I still don't know what Felipe meant by his question.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What is a Baby Shower????

This past Saturday I attended a friend's baby shower.  The day that I got the invitation I showed it to Adrian and told him about it.  The kids overheard me so they asked what a Baby Shower was. Then with all the innocence that exists in their mind and hearts they came up with their own answer...  Apparently at a baby shower you get a baby and each guests showers a different part of the child.

I thought it was so funny but I explained to them that you "shower" the parents-to-be with gifts for the new baby they are expecting... They understood that it was a party so I left it at that but a few days later when I went to buy the gifts Francesca insisted I buy shampoo and soap because that is what you need for a shower.  So it was the running joke, whenever someone me about my plans for Saturday I would say that I was going to shower a baby.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I turned my ears off!!!

So today I was driving Felipe to school and he asked if it rained all night. I told him that I wasn't sure because I went to sleep early. He then tells me that he doesn't know either because when he goes to sleep he turns his ears off and turns them back on when he wakes up.

The funniest thing was that he was grabbing his ears and turning then like if they were a volume knob.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

DIY Memory Box

I’m participating in Smarty Pants Mama’s SmartMamaLUTION.

SmartMama-Lution #1 is a do-it-yourself memory box.  I loved the box she used but since I couldn't find it I chose a CD storage case.  I decided on the storage box because when I went to Target and the only one that I liked was actually the same one my friend was using.  I ended up buying mine at Walmart along with 5x7 index cards.  I figured the larger cards would give me more space to write and also be able to include various years on one card.

For less than $12 (the box was $2.99, the index cards were $1.88 per pack and the divider tabs were $2.00) and about an hour (sorry but I am a perfectionist) I finished my box.

I have finished filling in all my cards to date and will continue to do so every night just before bedtime.

What do you think? 
All the tabs are evenly distributed and I also made sure that certain months got specific colors but they are all alternating in the same pattern. I did say I was a perfectionist.
All in all I love how cute and easy it was to create this memory box.  I just wish I would have known about this idea before my kids were born... It would have made it easier to remember when they did something specific.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving at Felipe's School

Today they had a small Thanksgiving feast at Felipe's school.  I attended just because I like to be an involved parent but I was not aware that the kids had prepared a small presentation for the parents.  They sang 10 little indians and Mr Turkey.  Some were dressed like indians and others like pilgrims.  My little one was an indian.

Video of Felipe and his classmates singing

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today we celebrate our 7 year wedding anniversary with the same love that we shared on our wedding day.

We have been there for each other through thick and thin. That is what marriage and love are meant to be.

Baby, Thank you for all the happiness we have shared throughout the years and the two beautiful kids you have given me.

I love you!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Felipe the Mechanic

A conversation that took place on my way to pick up Adrian at work...

Felipe: Why we pick up daddy?

Me:  Because daddy's car is broken...

Felipe: Why?

Me:  His window doesn't close.

Felipe:  Why?

Me:  I think the motor that closes the window is broken.

Felipe:  OH!  I know what happened.... The crocodiles ate the motor...

Once we got to the shopping center where Adrian works...

Me: I wonder why the lights are all out.

Felipe:  It's windy... They are cold BRRRRRR.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Emily's Birthday Party

Today Felipe attended his classmates birthday party... The first of many to come.  It was really nice to see him interact with his classmates.  They all had lots of fun running around and jumping in the bounce house, they got even more excited when the pony rides and petting zoo arrived.  Felipe immediately rushed over to stand in line for the pony rides.  After his pony ride he feed some of the animals but when the kids started getting wild with the animals he continued playing in the bounce house.