Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Verdict is in...

Well the sonogram today confirmed what Adrian had been wanting to hear for a while... We will be having a baby boy in July.

After not being able to see the sex of the baby on Monday's ultrasound I decided that today I was going to do everything within my reach to assure that I would not leave the hospital without knowing. Ever since the morning I was listening to lively latin music and for lunch I drank a Pepsi and had half a bag of peanut M&Ms. No... that was not my lunch... I had a delicious pork chop and rice.

As I was driving to the hospital I was poking at my belly to make sure the baby would not go to sleep right before the sonogram. Luckily everything went well. The first image that we got was our baby boy showing his third leg.

He was very active so it was difficult for the tech to take all the necessary measurements. He also got the hiccups towards the end of the exam. I think the culprit of those hiccups was the soda that I drank.

It was so nice to see the baby moving around. At one point during the sonogram he was covering his face with his hands. The tech took all the measurements except the heart because like I said the baby was moving around so much that he couldn't get a clear image of the heart. I have another appointment on the 28th but from what he saw today the baby is growing right on schedule.


Anonymous said...

A boy! Great news!
Congratulations to the future parents.
Now, let's see:
Simón?... no!,
Raulito?... no?,
uhmm... no rush, enough time...

Anonymous said...

Awww...what a cutie!

Yay! Another boy for Christian to play with!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Boys are great, and I should know, I've got two! =)

Anonymous said...
